Bootcamp Wave Mechanics

Gepubliceerd op 16 januari 2019 om 15:31

Fundamental comprehension of relativity ! 

  1. Frequency – A ‘frequency’ is not discrete. A wavelength has a length. Light is measured in frequencies. Hence, light is a wave.
    >>  See: Landfall Rocket Science, Part 1 – Light is no photon
  2. Motion- All waves have a constant speed. Motion plus frequency, leads to an adapted frequency.  Therefore changed frequencies, prove motion.
    >>  See: Landfall Rocket Science, Part 2 – Motion is frequency
  3. Relativity – All waves in motion undergo a specific relative frequency adjustment.
    >> See: Landfall Rocket Science, Part 3 – Relative speed
  4. Phases of Waves – Blunt brutality of searching phases, knowing that motion changes the frequency.
    >> See: Landfall Rocket Science, Part 4 – Phase basics
  5. Relativity of 2 points being at rest –  Lunatics logic is required for measuring motion between 2 fixed points.
    >> See: Landfall Rocket Science, Part 5 – Fun with frequencies



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