Lorentz about 'local' time

Gepubliceerd op 9 maart 2021 om 16:42

This video can be seen at the TIV-AB portal: https://av.tib.eu/search?q=dirac+relativity

Listen to the first two minutes. Lorentz was NOT wrong.

P.A.C. Dirac en F. Hund over symmetrie in de natuurkunde van elementaire deeltjes, in Göttingen, 1982.

F. Hund: Yesterday you gave us a short account of a very important development in theoretical physics,
that started with Einsteins special relativity, with the symmetry of space and time,
and then lead to a very large development, which ended with the other symmetry,
the symmetry between particle and anti-particle, that was the major trend,
and the key word was symmetry. 


P.A.C. Dirac: Yes, that is so. I wanted to emphasize, that Einstein was the first to realize,
the importance of symmetry.
Lorentz had worked out the mathematics of the transformations; the transformations are called the Lorentz-transformations,
but Lorentz did not realize the symmetry, which was implied by these transformations.
He thought that there was one frame of reference, which was 'the good frame', the physical frame,
and that other frames of reference were just mathematical fictions. 


F. Hund interrupts: I remember, the words. He introduced 'local time' as a concept.But, he said, local time different from the real time (laughing) yeah/yes (Chirac consents) He emphasized, that there is one real absolute system, the eather,

P.A.C. Dirac adds: ..and there he was quite wrong F.Hund: Yes.


P.A.C. Dirac: and it took him a long time, I believe untill 1909, before he accepted the Einstein view. 

F. Hund: Yes, he [did that] in Göttingen in 1909 or 1910, and he said,
that perhaps we must give up the concept of  eather [equal] time, of the absolute equal time,
but he said, I can say it in German, "Ich würde es ungern aufgeven". 


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